Jessica Connell
Hospitality & Media Director
Jessica Connell is first and foremost a wife and partner to her husband Dave. As such, she shares in the responsibilities of leadership. Jessica oversees the Hospitality, Media, and Women’s Ministries while also serving on the worship team. Growing up in church, Jessica was able to participate in many ministries and programs over the years. She is no stranger to wearing multiple hats.
Jessica has a degree in Broadcast Communications and spent 11 years working her way up to Producer for Xplore Productions. During this time she excelled in scheduling, directing events, video and commercial production – all in the corporate environment.
Once Jessica became a mother, she left her Producing job and has focused on raising her daughter to love God and others, along with serving the church. She has a passion to gather people together and see them come alive as they step into their God-given destinies.
Together, Jessica and her husband have four children and enjoy the loud holidays and family dinners as well as the quiet, snuggly movie nights. If you’re looking for her, she’s likely curled up with a cup of tea and a good book. Or some dark chocolate.